The Called Us Enemy by George Takei

204 pages
Graphic Novel/Historical Memoir/Biography

I am always mesmerized by the way a graphic novel can capture so many events and so much emotion in a single frame.  This books is a fascinating account of one famous man (George Takei is best known for his role as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu on Star Trek.) and the history that made him who he is today.

At 4-years-old, George Takei, had little understanding of the events surrounding his family’s internment in various camps for the duration of WWII after Pearl Harbor.  His retelling of the family’s life history is clear and honest.  Being told from a child’s perspective makes this story even more fascinating.  There are times of sadness and fear, but there are also joyful moments and hope.  While what happened was at times cruel, George’s parents protected the children as best they could, and I felt the experiences made him stronger for having survived.  I learned about life post-WWII which also played a role in building his character.

I recommend this book to ANY middle school reader who wants to know more about this part of history or who can appreciate all the life events that contribute to a person’s life experiences.